Project Case Study

Decommissioning Planning

"This advisory work helped our client to understand the various option costs and opportunities available for them as a number of offshore assets are decommissioning in the coming years."

Geoffrey Constable
Technical Director


Offshore Decommissioning

18 Months

$ Confidential

Scope of Work

We were engaged to support some early stage planning for decommissioning of an offshore asset, with the intention to roll out this approach to the wider asset base. This early stage planning provided a road map to the client on the various options they may wish to follow.

What We Did

The early phase of this work was to undertake an options analysis for the various configurations that the offshore asset could transition to, prior to its eventual removal, and understand what opportunities may present themselves during this analysis.

The options analysis considered matters such as utility and power requirements, ongoing maintenance needs, ongoing safety and communication systems, access to and from the offshore asset, and the duration the asset may be in a non-operational state. This analysis led onto some further work including the development of screening level cost estimates for a number of the options, along with some preliminary engineering studies. From this work it became apparent that some of the potential options were cost prohibitive, while others were impractical.  and they could be ruled out on this basis. 

Project Outcome

This preliminary phase work created a roadmap for this decommissioning project. It ruled out a number of asset configurations due to their cost and practicality, and set a clear direction for the subsequent phases of work that will proceed in the coming years across a number of similar assets.


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